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Frequently asked questions

Q: Where's my plugin zip archive?

A: Any items you purchase from Envato Market CodeCanyon you can find here in your CodeCanyon Downloads section. There you can download any plugin you've purchased including ours.

Q: When uploaded to my site it says that it's not a valid plugin zip archive?

A: Make sure you're using the plugin archive, sometimes you download the complete package and the plugin archive needs to be extracted from it. So, unzip the full archive and upload the installable plugin zip archive from it. If you have issues please use our Help Center here ts/.

Q: Can I contribute to the XforWooCommerce Docs with my own help articles?

A: Sure! That's awesome! Please visit our GitHub repository and make your contribution. Thanks for getting involved!

Q: How can I get support for my item?

A: Need pro help? Can’t find what you’re looking for? Submit your request here. Follow this link and visit our Help Center → Click Login with Envato and login with the account you've purchased the XforWooCommerce item. Once logged in, for the item you need support with, click Submit ticket from the table row. If your support has expired, click the Renew support and renew your support before making a new ticket.

Q: Where can I find the plugin settings pages?

A: Depends on are you using XforWooCommerce package or the stand-alone plugins. If you use XforWooCommerce, navigate WooCommerce>XforWooCommerce page to access all plugins settings. If you use stand-alone plugins, then navigate WooCommerce>Settings>Plugin (e.g. Product Filter) to access the plugin settings page.