Plugin setup
Let's set some stuff in the plugin settings!
For installation, you can either activate it on all Woo pages, meaning use this option if you have a standard shop, store page, categories, filters on side etc. If you turn this option off then you can use it in custom pages.
To use only on custom pages, as some shops would prefer to have this option just on a page where they list some products, then you'd disable the Woo pages option and input the ID of the pages where you need to show the bulk add to cart interface. You can use it on custom pages and Woo pages at the same time of course. If needed, input multiple page IDs to show the interface on multiple pages.
To setup the bulk tool use this tab. These options are related to the plugin UI.
Bulk tool position
This option sets the bulk tool position. Set fixed in screen corners, use before and after actions in Woo template, or use shortcode using wich allows you to install the tool in theme header or similar.
Shortcode to output the bulk tool is [bulk_add_to_cart_xforwc]
. With the installation option set to shortcode and this shortcode attaced anywhere you'll output the tool at that place, then you can use CSS to further style it and match with your theme and shop style.
More options:
- Selection checkbox position - this option is used to set the appearance of the checkbox on products.
- Show select/deselect all - use this option to hide the select all products from list from the bulk tool. This option is usefull if you have filtering and would like to be able to put the results in the cart with one click.
- Show cart - use this option to hide the cart button from bulk tool.
- Show checkout - use this option to hide the checkout button from bulk tool.
A couple of more general options
In the general options tab you can also find a few useful options. Here you can set the theme/skin of the bulk tool. Use skins such as dark, gray, green, blue, plain or inherit. Inherit style should get the same basic style from theme and should be the best one to add custom CSS on top of.
Another option is to use quantities. This means that an input field is required if the checkbox has been checked on the product. So, if this option is off, only one product will be added from all the checked ones, and if quantities are used, then each product can have its quantity set up.